
Anorexia nervosa

Mindfulness Meditation Offers Hope for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric illness that plagues many individuals, including family members, friends, and even celebrities. It is characterized by intense anxieties related to body weight, shape, and self-esteem. People with AN often engage in behaviors like food restriction, voluntary vomiting, and extreme emaciation, leading to a host of health concerns. The…

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Measurement of Religion in China: A Mystery

World Role of China Due to its enormous population and lengthy history, China is a crucial indicator of worldwide religious trends. Due to China diverse population and protracted cultural transition, its changing religious landscape is challenging to understand. Effective appraisal is complex due to the Communist Party’s secularism and the Chinese government’s information suppression. East…

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A Simple Way to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5-Minute Morning Meditation

A Simple Way to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5-Minute Morning Meditation

Research indicates that meditation can help individuals manage anxiety and even depression. Additionally, meditation provides other advantages such as enhanced sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and relief from chronic pain. According to Chanel News Asia, for beginners, commencing with brief practices like a 5-minute morning breathing exercise can be an excellent method to calm and…

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Exploring the Distinctions Between Mindfulness and Meditation

Exploring the Distinctions Between Mindfulness and Meditation

Introduction, Mindfulness and Meditation People often interchange the terms mindfulness and meditation, which can lead to confusion about their true meanings and distinctions. This confusion is understandable since both practices can intersect when approached seriously. However, it’s crucial to recognize that mindfulness and meditation represent distinct concepts. While mindfulness focuses on one’s mental state in…

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Exploring the Benefits of Step-ups for Uphill Running

Exploring the Benefits of Step-ups for Uphill Running

Running uphill is notoriously difficult and taxing on the body, requiring a high level of strength, stamina, and the ability to avoid injury. Incorporating step-ups into your training routine is one of the best ways to increase your uphill running capacity, power, and avoid injury. Analyzing the Advancements in Detail Step-ups are very helpful since…

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