A Simple Way to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5-Minute Morning Meditation

A Simple Way to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5-Minute Morning Meditation

Research indicates that meditation can help individuals manage anxiety and even depression. Additionally, meditation provides other advantages such as enhanced sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and relief from chronic pain. According to Chanel News Asia, for beginners, commencing with brief practices like a 5-minute morning breathing exercise can be an excellent method to calm and center the mind.

Dr. Eva Tsuda, an instructor in meditation at the UMass Memorial Health Center for Mindfulness, recommends morning meditation not only for “setting the tone for the day” but also for establishing a consistent practice. Recent research involving nearly 900,000 meditation app users found that those who engaged in morning meditation were more likely to maintain their meditation routine. Here’s a quick and straightforward guide to initiating meditation every day:

When and Where to Practice Meditation

Alma Ivanovic, the proprietor of Sun and Moon Meditation studio in Chicago, practices meditation every morning immediately upon awakening. She positions herself on the floor and leans against her bed frame.

Assigning a particular location for meditation can facilitate consistency, as Ivanovic explains, it becomes like a ritual. Connect this practice with something you perform each morning, such as brushing your teeth. “When you observe that space, it feels like ‘okay, that’s what we do there,'” she elucidates.

A Simple Way to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: 5-Minute Morning Meditation

Set a Timer

Even if your mornings are bustling, research suggests that merely five minutes of meditation each morning can mitigate stress and anxiety throughout the day. Ivanovic commonly employs an hourglass timer, permitting her to monitor the sand’s movement as she meditates.

“However, you can also utilize your phone as an alarm. Just configure it with a gentle sound, such as chimes or a bell,” she proposes. Ivanovic also adds that meditating for less than five minutes is acceptable. “If you’re experiencing intense anxiety or discomfort, five minutes might feel excessively long. Set your timer for 2.5 minutes, evaluate how you feel, and then press repeat.”

Concentrate on Your Senses

Direct your attention to your body. What physical sensations are you perceiving? It could be the sensation of your feet on the floor or tension in your back. Acknowledge any sounds or fragrances in the morning, the quality of light, or even the taste lingering in your mouth.

Integrate a Mantra

Research also suggests that meditation employing a mantra can have positive effects on mental health and even lower hypertension. To help concentrate on your breath, Ivanovic suggests uttering the word ‘inhale’ as you breathe in and ‘exhale’ as you breathe out, either silently or audibly.

She also mentions that mantras can be personalized to “any quality you wish to infuse into your day.” Experiment with words; perhaps vocalize ‘I am’ as you inhale, and ‘grateful,’ ‘present,’ ‘comfortable,’ or any other word that resonates with you as you exhale.


Incorporating a 5-minute morning meditation into your daily regimen can be a straightforward yet potent means to mitigate stress and anxiety, establishing a positive tone for the impending day. By designating a dedicated meditation spot, configuring a timer, focusing on your senses, and incorporating a mantra, you can establish a consistent practice that bestows numerous mental and emotional benefits. Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this morning ritual can enhance your overall well-being and empower you to confront the day’s challenges with increased composure and resilience.